Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Concept design of Hehehercules: Jason & the Argonauts– A Cinematic Reinvention
Hercules loved and hated
Since it is my first attempt in concept design in digital media I was developing the concept as I was exploring and learning how to use Photoshop.
Choice of character: Because of the nature of this competition I have decided to create the Character of Hercules as a simbolic parody named Hehehercules. I realize he is highly exploited character in many genres but what is provoking me is his complexity. I started making him buff and showing off his strength in a trivial pose of a superhero but as the concept evolved I integrated more complex and multidimensional perspectives.
Setting: Hehehercules is the player with Number One of the Omega (team of Zeus sons) in the thunderbolts/balls Olympics fighting to win the Golden Fleece Cup. The game is a mixture of hockey and golf and the objective is to catch and place thunderballs in a special golf like hole so they get to Hades in the underworld.
Character: The Romans built their empire on the foundations of the Greek culture so I’m using that symbolically to build the character for Hercules. I have chosen a pose and body posture of traditional hero such as Conan the Barbarian, the Vikings and other popular characters from the times of violence and brutal physical strength to make him a figure combing all this in a serious as well as humours way. His character is designed to project a balance between love and hate as his traditional character is. Hehehercules character resembles his traditional character from Greek Mythology that the Romans developed further as well. He carries the Nemean lion skin for protection and the lion’s head reflects his bad moods. I prefer the way he looks without the lion’s head, but it makes the character complete:( His helmet has wing like protectors on the sides for balance of the frontal face part. The crest accumulates electricity when a thunderball is struck and Hehehercules can project it as an electrical sting.
Hehehercules carries a Greek ceramic pillar as a stick to handle the high voltage of the thunderballs instead of his club (the Greek pillars in the temples connect the mortal to the gods). For speed he wears special roller skates with metal wheels, which ground him and resemble a Greek/ Roman chariot. Like most great players he is an inspirational role model. He is loved as mush as hated by his fans and opponents.

1 comment:

  1. Realy great art charactures. Saw you had green eyes, statistic show a large percentage of people of genius have green eye's.
